"Democrats Want Climate Action Included In Coronavirus Aid"

"Democrats on both sides of Capitol Hill are pushing to add climate change provisions to the third aid package for people and industries affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic.

But it's unclear whether they have the political leverage to make those ideas stick — at least not yet.

The Democratic proposals touch on two main areas.

Several Senate Democrats want airlines to reduce their carbon emissions in exchange for federal aid that could hit $50 billion or more.

House Democrats, meanwhile, are looking at clean-tech tax credits. Those include incentives for electric vehicles, battery storage, offshore wind and solar energy that were left out of a December tax extenders package."

Maxine Joselow reports for ClimateWire March 19, 2020.


"Clean Energy Backers Want In On Stimulus Talks" (E&E Daily)


Source: ClimateWire, 03/19/2020