Coalition Warns Federal Funding Cuts Would Harm Great Lakes

"Although it’s expected that President Trump’s plan to gut Great Lakes programs will be “dead on arrival” in Congress again, a major coalition of environmental groups is prepared to show how such draconian cuts could severely hurt public health and the economy — not just the environment.

The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition, a consortium of more than 150 environmental, conservation, outdoor recreation organizations, zoos, aquariums, and museums representing millions of people, said Thursday its concerns go well beyond the Trump administration’s latest attempt to cut the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative by 90 percent, from $300 million to $30 million. Last year, after initially calling for a similar reduction, the administration proposed eliminating the program.

Todd Ambs, Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition campaign director, said the Trump plan as it pertains to the Great Lakes is “out of touch with reality” and “fails to meet the needs of millions of people.”"

Tom Henry reports for the Toledo Blade February 15, 2018.


Trump Proposes Slashing EPA Chesapeake Bay Funding 90 Percent (Bay Journal)

"Trump Budget Has Zero Money For Puget Sound Recovery" (Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

Source: Toledo Blade, 02/16/2018