"China Works for 'Win-Win' Climate Plan, Poised for U.N. Pledge"

"China seeks a fair, global system to tackle climate change and will deliver its pledge to the United Nations by the end of Tuesday on how much it will cut emissions, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said after talks with top European Union officials.

Time is running out for China to deliver its U.N. submission in the first half of this year, as it has said it will do.

Once China, the world's biggest emitter, has submitted its so-called Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) ahead of U.N. climate talks in Paris late this year, pledges submitted will cover more than half the world's emissions."

Barbara Lewis and Robin Emmott report for Reuters June 30, 2015.


"South Korea To Cut 2030 Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 37 Percent From BAU Levels " (Reuters)

"U.N. Brokers Global Effort To Rein In Greenhouse Gas Emissions" (NPR)

"U.N. Holds Climate Talks In New York Ahead Of Paris Meeting" (NPR)

"Why Cities Will Be Vital Players at Paris Climate Talks" (Huffington Post)

Source: Reuters, 06/30/2015