"ARLINGTON, Va. — Dan Misleh, director of the Catholic Climate Covenant, found himself facing a skeptic recently after he outlined the coalition's preparations for Pope Francis' upcoming encyclical on global warming.
The woman didn't doubt the science. She just wasn't sure of the bishops.
Why wouldn't U.S. bishops record messages on climate change to be played in all churches, just as they often do for annual Lenten fundraising drives, she asked. Why not distribute cards in the pews, urging parishioners to sign pledges to care for creation and the poor, through personal action and advocacy on global warming?
'So what you're asking for,' Misleh deadpanned, 'are miracles?'"
Marianne Lavelle reports for the Daily Climate April 2, 2015.
Catholics Prep for Pope Francis To Tackle Climate in Coming Encyclical
Source: Daily Climate, 04/02/2015