"Can a Pope Help Sustain Humanity and Ecology?"

"VATICAN CITY — For four long days, several dozen physical, environmental and social scientists hunkered here with theologians, philosophers, economists and a poverty campaigner to explore ways to balance human ambitions with the planet’s limits. The rare joint meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences — “Sustainable Humanity, Sustainable Nature, Our Responsibility” — helped demarcate where science leaves off and the rest of society, including organized religion, plays a role in shaping the quality of human life and environmental conditions in this century.

A subtext, of course, was that Pope Francis, who made time to meet briefly with the participants for photographs and a short chat, is working on a possible encyclical letter on the environment and sustainable development."

Andrew C. Revkin reports for the New York Times' Dot Earth blog May 6, 2014.


"Why Should Evangelical Christians Care About Climate Change?" (Climate Desk/Slate)

"Evangelical Climate Scientist Says 'We Have Been Lied To' About Climate Change" (Catholic Online)

Source: Dot Earth, 05/07/2014