"Biden Ratchets Up Tariffs On Chinese EVs, Solar, Batteries"

"Duties will triple this year on electric vehicle batteries and increase for everything from critical minerals to steel."

"The Biden administration moved Tuesday to block China’s access to the American market for clean energy technology by doubling duties on solar cells and effectively quadrupling the price of electric vehicles from China.

The actions reflect a bipartisan consensus that U.S. industries need protection against a flood of inexpensive Chinese imports. In recent days, both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, have jousted over who would erect the stiffest barriers to China.

The new tariffs affect not just EVs and solar panels but also parts of their supply chain along with semiconductors, shipping cranes and medical supplies."

David Ferris, Christian Robles, Jack Quinn, Hannah Northey report for E&E News May 14, 2024.

Source: E&E News, 05/15/2024