"Biden Casts America as Climate Leader and Promises a ‘Low-Carbon Future’"

"At climate talks in Egypt, President Biden apologized for his predecessor’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement."

"SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt — President Biden appeared before an overflowing United Nations convention on Friday to reclaim America’s role as a leader on climate change and to stress a renewed U.S. commitment to stop the planet from catastrophic warming.

Mr. Biden came to Egypt as the president who muscled through a landmark climate law, one that provides a record $370 billion to accelerate America’s transition away from the fossil fuels that have underpinned its economy for 150 years.

At the summit, known as COP27, he spoke of how he immediately returned the United States to the 2015 Paris climate agreement upon taking office after his predecessor, President Donald J. Trump, had withdrawn the country. “I apologize that we ever pulled out of the agreement,” he told the gathering, which comprised diplomats, ministers and representatives of nearly 200 nations.

Mr. Biden’s speech came in the midpoint of the two-week summit that has focused not so much on cutting the pollution that is driving climate change, but on the question of what, if anything, industrialized countries owe to poor nations that are suffering climate disasters for which they are ill-prepared and did little to cause."

Lisa Friedman and Jim Tankersley report for the New York Times November 11, 2022.


"COP27: Biden Says The Climate Crisis Is About 'Very Life Of The Planet'" (Reuters)

"Biden Says U.S. Will ‘Do Our Part To Avert’ A ‘Climate Hell’ During Address In Egypt" (Washington Post)


Source: NYTimes, 11/14/2022