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Climate Change Topics

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Climate Change Topics

Air   |   Land    |   Water   |   Human Health   |   Communities    |  Disasters and Extreme Weather   |   Environmental Justice   |   UNDER CONSTRUCTION:   Economics   |   Environmental Justice   |   Infrastructure   |   Security





Fifth National Climate Assessment: Air Quality
Chapter from the 2023 U.S. government report covering how climate change increases risks from air pollution. Addresses health impacts, ozone air quality, particulate matter, as well as climate-related issues including wildfire and airborne allergens.

Air Quality and Climate Change Research
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s repository for information on air quality and climate change, with links to related resources, tools and publications.

The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States — A Scientific Assessment: Air Quality Impacts
A 2016 report from the U.S. Global Change Research Program with key findings on exacerbated ozone health impacts, increased health impacts from wildfire, and worsened allergy and asthma conditions.

Climate and Air Quality
A Climate Central research brief on how climate change is threatening air quality across the United States, with a focus on ground-level ozone pollution. Includes a look at cities with ozone problems.

Air Pollution and Climate Change
A report from the Potsdam-based Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies on the links between greenhouse gases, climate change and air quality, including links to IASS research on air pollution and climate change. Also see an IASS policy brief on an integrated approach to climate protection and clean air.

Climate Change and Health: Air Quality
Resources from the nonprofit NRDC exploring the relationship between climate change and unhealthy air, including an interactive map and links to climate change-air pollution resources.


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Climate Change and Land
A special report of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. Includes summary for policymakers. Also see a land and climate change report related to the UN’s Convention to Combat Desertification that focuses on land, drought and biodiversity, and a background study on forests and climate change.

Fifth National Climate Assessment: Land, Forests, Agriculture
Chapters from the 2018 U.S. government report covering how climate change can affect and be affected by changes in land cover and land use, disturb forests and reduce agricultural productivity. The U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit also has key points and a backgrounder on ecosystem impacts.

Climate Impacts on Forests, Ecosystems
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency resources page with information on forest growth, productivity and disturbances, and on ecosystems and life cycles, range shifts, food web disruptions, extinction risks and more.

Climate Change and Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources and Biodiversity
A report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research on the effects of climate change. Also see a synthesis report with findings on effects of climate on forest and arid lands.

Climate Change Science Explorer
A U.S. Geologic Survey portal page with links to its centers for climate adaptation and Earth resources observation, as well as research and development and land change science programs.

Climate Solutions for Agriculture
A U.S. Department of Agriculture page on how a changing climate is affecting U.S. agriculture, with info on preparing for increased weather risks through its regional climate hubs, and links to assessments projecting climate impacts and a carbon management evaluation tool. Also see the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture program on climate change.

Climate Change Resource Center
A U.S. Forest Service site linking to pages on climate change science and modeling, climate change effects on forests and grasslands, and responses to climate change, along with links to educational materials, adaptation, tools, a library, a tree carbon calculator and a tree atlas.

Climate Adaptation for Defense Department Natural Resource Managers
A Defense Department guide developed with the National Wildlife Federation to incorporating climate considerations into integrated natural resource management plans for the ​​more than 25 million acres of land owned or managed by the DoD.

Soil, Land and Climate Change
A European Environment Agency article exploring climate change’s impacts on soil, and on how it can be addressed through healthier soils and a sustainable land and soil management.

Food Safety and Climate Change
A briefing from the United Nations’ World Health Organization addressing worsening risks to food security because of climate change, including from extreme weather events and natural disasters, contamination, and changes on farming and husbandry practices. Also see related reports from NGO Concern Worldwide U.S. on how climate change threatens food security, and from the Al Gore-founded Climate Reality Project on food security and climate change.


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Fifth National Climate Assessment: Water, Coastal Effects and Oceans & Marine Resources
Chapters from the 2023 U.S. government report. Material in the water chapter covers climate change impacts on water quality and quantity, as well as risks to deteriorating water infrastructure, and water management strategies. Also included are regional summaries on water from around the United States. Material on coastal effects covers how climate change increases socioeconomic and environmental impacts on coastlines, including from the threat of rising sea levels that exacerbate tidal and storm surge flooding, and the state of coastal ecosystems, as well as social vulnerability. Material on ocean ecosystems and marine resources covers how climate change, including extreme events, affects ocean ecosystems and marine fisheries.

Water and Climate Change
A United Nations resource page on water availability and the impact of climate change. Also see the UNICEF report, “Water and the Global Climate Crisis: 10 Things You Should Know.”

2021 State of Climate Services: Water
A World Meteorological Organization water-focused report to support climate adaptation. Explores global water status, including stress hotspots, plus priorities and needs for regions around the world based on water requirements for agriculture and food; ecosystems, biodiversity and forestry; health; energy; infrastructure; and disaster risk reduction.

Climate Change Indicators: Oceans
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency resources on the relationships between climate change and oceans, with information and links on ocean heat, sea surface temperature, sea level, land loss, coastal flooding and ocean acidity.

Fisheries and Climate
An overview from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on the changing climate impacts on marine life and ecosystems, and communities and economies dependent on them. Resources include NOAA's Fisheries climate science strategy and regional action plans.

Impacts of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture
A 2018 report from the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization on current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options. Plus, more FAO resources on fisheries and aquaculture and climate change.

Ocean Acidification
An educational resource from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on the falling pH of surface ocean waters and resulting impacts of ocean acidification on shell builders, and on fish and seaweeds, along with information on current research.

Climate Change and Coral Reefs
A detailed infographic from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on how climate change is dramatically affecting coral reef ecosystems.

Climate Change and Aquatic Ecosystems
A U.S. Geological Survey portal to agency research on climate change as a stressor for freshwater ecosystems.

Climate Change in Coastal Communities
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency page focused on sea level rise, increased temperatures, storm intensity and ocean acidification. Also see the EPA’s Coastal Adaptation Toolkit providing select resources on coastal areas and watersheds focused on impacts, adaptation options, planning frameworks and resources.

Coastal Flooding, Climate Change and Your Health
A Centers for Disease Control report for the general public on preparing for safety in case of coastal flooding.

Surging Seas
Resources on sea level rise from Climate Central, with analysis of population impacts, risk finder and map, Zillow Report and mapping choices. Also see its report, “Flooded Future.”

Flooding and Climate Change: Everything You Need to Know
A guide from NRDC to flooding and climate change, with flooding facts, causes, consequences, preparation and prevention.


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Human Health


Climate Change and Health
The World Health Organization’s resources on the topic include a 2021 special report on climate change and health that recommends for priority actions from the global health community. The United Nations agency also issued a 2021 Health and Climate Change Survey Report and a health program for the COP26 meeting. In addition, see its climate change overview page with fact sheets and resources on evidence and monitoring, country support, special initiatives and more, plus a brief report on climate change and infectious diseases.

Human Health: Impacts, Adaptation, and Co-Benefits
A chapter (pending final edits) from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s sixth assessment report. 

The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States
A scientific assessment from the U.S. Global Change Research Program, with chapters on temperature-related death and illness, air quality impacts, extreme events, vector-borne diseases, water-related illness, food safety and nutrition, mental health and vulnerable populations. Also, see the chapter on human health in the U.S. government’s latest National Climate Assessment, plus an overview of health risks of climate change from the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit. 

Climate Effects on Health
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a resource page focused on climate-related national health topics, including air pollution, allergens and pollen, vector-borne diseases, food and waterborne diarrheal disease, food security, mental health and stress-related disorders. Resources are available on regional health effects as well. Also see the agency’s 2020 summary report, “Preparing for the Regional Health Impacts of Climate Change in the United States.”

Climate Change and Human Health
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has resources on climate and children’s health, research programs and more. NIEHS has more on climate, and the HHS Office of Climate Change and Health Equity also has a climate change and health equity and a 2021 HHS Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan.

Climate Change Indicators: Health and Society
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency page on ways that climate change is affecting human health and society, with links to indicators on heat- and cold-related illness and death, vector-borne diseases, and growing and allergy season. Also see a fact sheet on Climate Change and the Health of Indigenous Populations.

Climate Change in Europe
The European Union’s European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control resource page covers air-, food-, rodent-, vector- and waterborne diseases.

The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change
An annual review from the medical journal to monitor the evolving health profile of climate change through a series of key indicators. Also includes a series of policy briefs, along with infographics, and video and audio content.

Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment
The Harvard School of Public Health center has guides on climate change and allergies, asthma and heat, as well as an FAQ on coronavirus and climate change.

Climate and Health ‘Postcards
Fact sheet from the Physicians for Social Responsibility on vector-borne and waterborne diseases, as well as on how climate change contaminates water.

Clean Air and Lung Health
Climate change-related resources from the nonprofit American Lung Association, including on climate change and lung health, and climate change and air pollution.

How Extreme Weather Events Affect Mental Health
An American Psychiatric Association backgrounder, with links to an APA position statement and a companion resource document. Also see this two-pager from the American Public Health Association, “Climate Changes Mental Health.”

US Climate and Health Alliance
Resources at the intersection of climate and health from this U.S. network of health and public health organizations and professionals.

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IPCC: Cities, Settlements and Key Infrastructure
Chapter from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s sixth assessment report, with FAQs, infographics and discussions of risks, impacts and adaptation for urban centers.

Fifth National Climate Assessment: Built Environment, Urban Systems, & Cities | Agriculture, Food Systems & Rural Communities | Tribes and Indigenous Peoples
Chapters from the 2023 U.S. government report, with attention to issues like impacts on urban quality of life, the vulnerabilities and health risks for rural populations, and threats to Indigenous peoples’ livelihoods and economies.

UN-Habitat Climate Change
An initiative on converging effects of urbanization and climate change. Resources include reports on the global environment outlook for cities and a ClimateAction4Cities campaign. More on the topic in this Q&A with UN-Habitat’s executive director.

The Sustainable Cities Impact Program, funded by the Global Environment Facility and led by the UN Environment Programme, works with more than 20 cities across Asia, Africa and Latin America towards a zero-carbon urban future. Also see climate change-city resources at the UN Environment Programme.

Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
A global alliance for city climate leadership, with commitments of over 10,000 cities and local governments to tackle the challenges of climate change. Resources include a climate action playbook for local and regional governments and a Race to Zero campaign.

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
A global network of more than 2,500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development, including on climate change, renewable energy and efficiency. 

C40 Cities
A network of mayors of nearly 100 world-leading cities collaborating for climate change action, with a summit in October 2022, and recent initiatives including a Global Mayors Task Force on Climate and Migration and a Global Youth and Mayors Forum.

Climate-Smart Cities
A program of The Trust for Public Land to partner with city leaders and residents to design, fund and build climate-smart parks and green spaces. U.S. partner cities include Boston, Cleveland, Los Angeles, New York, New Orleans and Richmond, Calif.

Pledges and Progress Report
The Brookings Institution policy think tank analyzes progress toward greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the 100 largest U.S. cities. Also see nonprofit Zero Energy Project’s sortable database listing municipalities committed to building climate action plans, with links to their actual plans.

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit: Tribal Nations
Threats to Indigenous communities throughout the United States, with guidelines for considering traditional knowledges in climate change initiatives, and information on Indigenous health indicators and tribal climate change adaptation planning. Also see the Tribal Climate Resilience Program from the Interior Department’s Bureau of Indian Affairs; the Tribal Climate Change Guide, part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project; a USDA report on climate change and Indigenous peoples; and this assessment of the representation of Indigenous peoples in climate change reporting.

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Climate Disasters and Extreme Weather



Changes in Climate Extremes and their Impacts on the Natural Physical Environment
Part of a special report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, the chapter assesses scientific information related to changes in weather and climate events relevant to extreme impacts and disasters. Read a fact sheet accompanying the report’s publication.

Mapped: How Climate Change Affects Extreme Weather Around the World
A regularly updated mapping database from the UK-based website Carbon Brief that displays extreme weather events and trends across the globe for which scientists have carried out an extreme-weather attribution study.

Fourth National Climate Assessment: Extreme Storms
As a key part of the Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4), the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) oversaw the production of this stand-alone report of the state of science relating to climate change and its physical impacts. Chapter 9 from the 2018 U.S. government report includes findings on the increase in extreme weather and climate events, such as an upward trend in North Atlantic hurricane activity, an increase in tropical cyclone intensity, more variable tornado activity, earlier snowmelt and a decrease in snowstorm frequency, and rising frequency and severity of landfalling “atmospheric rivers.” Chapter 7 addresses precipitation changes and Chapter 8 is on droughts, floods and wildfire. Also, Chapter 15 addresses compound extreme events (such as simultaneous heat and drought, wildfires associated with hot and dry conditions, or flooding associated with high precipitation on top of snow or waterlogged ground).

Climate Change Indicators: Weather and Climate
A resource page from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that offers overviews and further links on topics including heat waves, heavy precipitation, tropical cyclone activity, river flooding and drought.

Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters: Overview
A data tracking tool from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information that details weather and climate disasters in the United States since 1980 where overall damages/costs reached or exceeded $1 billion. Mapping, time series, summary stats, event details and more. Updated quarterly.

Weather Related Fatality and Injury Statistics
From the National Weather Service, annual statistical information on fatalities, injuries and damages caused by weather-related hazards.

Extreme Weather and Climate Change
A U.S-focused disasters resource page from the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions environmental policy think tank that includes information on the links between climate change and drought, extreme heat, extreme precipitation, hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires.

The Science Connecting Extreme Weather to Climate Change
A report from the Union of Concerned Scientists explores the scientific field of "climate attribution" and its ability to identify and quantify the part human-caused climate change plays in many types of extreme weather.

Climate Change, Natural Disasters, and Wildlife
A 2019 report from the National Wildlife Federation summarizes how climate change influences certain natural disasters and increases risks for people and for wildlife.

How Can Climate Change Affect Natural Disasters?
A resource page from the U.S. Geological Survey, including FAQs, multimedia, publications and news.

Storms and Flooding

A Force of Nature: Hurricanes in a Changing Climate
A feature from NASA on how, due to global warming, global climate models predict hurricanes will likely cause more intense rainfall and have an increased coastal flood risk due to higher storm surge caused by rising seas.

Here’s What We Know About How Climate Change Fuels Hurricanes
An overview from the Columbia Climate School on research focused on hurricanes, climate change and the water cycle, and what scientists know so far.

Global Warming and Hurricanes: An Overview of Current Research Results
A resource page maintained by a senior NOAA scientist summarizes and details recent scientific findings about climate change and Atlantic hurricanes, as well as tropical cyclones.

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Working Group I
This extensive 2021 report includes a recent assessment of tropical cyclones and climate change.

Hurricanes and Climate Change
An explainer from the Union of Concerned Scientists that looks at observed trends in hurricanes, factors that increase the destructive potential of hurricanes, how rising ocean temperatures fuel stronger North Atlantic hurricanes, the role of natural cycles in hurricanes and what the future holds.

Coastal Flood Risks — U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
A series of backgrounders from the federal climate information website managed by NOAA’s Climate Program Office. Separate topics covered include sea level rise, coastal erosion, high-tide flooding, storm surge, inland flooding and tsunamis.

Fifth National Climate Assessment — Coastal Effects
A chapter from the 2023 U.S. government report that looks at the risks from flooding to coastal economies and property, coastal environments and existing social inequities.

Climate Change Impacts Explained in Real Time: Floods
A detailed FAQ-style explainer with fact sheets, graphics and images, from Climate Signals, a project of Climate Nexus that curates climate change attribution science and provides resources in real time explaining how climate change worsens extreme events.

Flooding and Climate Change: Everything You Need to Know
Flooding facts, causes, consequences, preparation, prevention, from the environmental NGO NRDC.

Extreme Heat and Drought

Provisional State of the Global Climate in 2022
The World Meteorological Organization report notes that the past eight years are on track to be the eight warmest on record, with extreme heat waves affecting millions. A press release breaks down the report.

Heat Waves | Drought
Overviews from the World Health Organization about heat waves and drought, their impact and response. Includes fact sheets, FAQs, stats and more.

About Extreme Heat
A guide from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with resources and information on extreme heat and heat stress illness. The CDC also provides access to a searchable heat stress illness database.

Heat Waves
An indicator from the U.S. Global Change Research Program that tracks trends in multi-day extreme heat events in cities across the United States.

Heat Island Effect
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency resource page focused on the interactions between climate change and heat islands.

The Coldest Year of the Rest of Their Lives
A report from the international agency UNICEF on protecting children from the escalating impacts of heat waves. Plus more on heat waves from UN News.

Drought in Numbers
A 2022 report from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification examines drought’s impact on human society and ecosystems, and potential interventions.

What Is Drought: Drought Basics
Explainers and resources from the U.S. National Integrated Drought Information System, a multi-agency partnership that coordinates drought monitoring, forecasting, planning and information at national, state and local scales. The site includes information on types of drought and monitoring drought, along with data and maps, analysis by sector and location, and a link to a drought early warning system.

Droughts and Climate Change
A U.S. Geological Survey page that addresses how climate change impacts droughts, with links to publications, science, data, multimedia and news.

Health Implications of Drought
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention page has resources on the short- and long-term public health problems brought on by drought, including water pollution, food and nutrition, air quality, sanitation and hygiene, recreational risks, infectious disease, chronic disease and diseases transmitted by animals.

U.S. Drought Monitor
A weekly updated drought map, regional drought summary and forecast, via a partnership between the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Drought: Everything You Need to Know
A drought explainer from environmental NGO NRDC on what causes prolonged dry spells and how to mitigate their impact.


Explainer: How Climate Change Is Affecting Wildfires Around the World
A detailed explainer from UK-based website Carbon Brief that addresses questions including when and where are most of the world’s wildfires, how is climate change affecting wildfire risk, are wildfires increasing across the globe and how will wildfires change in the future.

Fifth National Climate Assessment: Forests | Air Quality
Chapters from the 2023 U.S. government report cover the impact of wildfires on forests (discussions of rapid and long-term forest change, forest carbon dynamics and a southeastern U.S. regional case study) and on air quality (with findings of increased health risk to millions of people in the United States). Additional chapters with wildfire findings include agriculture, transportation and more.

Climate Change Increases the Risk of Wildfires
From the scientist-written ScienceBrief site, a 2020 review of how human-induced climate change promotes the conditions on which wildfires depend, enhancing their likelihood and challenging suppression efforts.

Global Forest Watch: Fires
A tool from the online platform established by the World Resources Institute that allows users to explore fire alerts on a map, as well as to explore fire alert trends.

Global Fire Atlas
Compiled by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, this database chronicles the dynamics of 13.3 million fires observed by NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer instruments between 2003 and 2016. Here’s more about the workings of the atlas.

The Connection Between Climate Change and Wildfires
2020 explainer report from the Union of Concerned Scientists, with infographics and a podcast.

How Smoke From Fires Can Affect Your Health
A brief backgrounder from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency focused on wildfire smoke, with additional resource links.

The Impact of Wildfires on Climate and Air Quality
A two-page fact sheet from NOAA and its Chemical Sciences Division that reviews a three-year study of fire’s influence on regional and global environments.

Tracking Smoke From Fires To Improve Air Quality Forecasting
A feature from NASA’s global climate change site that discusses study of smoke’s impact on weather and climate to work toward improved air quality forecasting.

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Climate and Environmental Justice


What Is Climate Justice?
A set of reflections from UNICEF's 2022 Climate Justice Roundtable includes a full recap of the event. For similar backgrounders, see this explainer on the MIT Climate Portal and these posts from the Yale Climate Connections and the United Nation’s sustainable development goals site. Also visit SciLine’s Quick Facts page on environmental justice and climate change.

U.S. Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool
This White House Council on Environmental Quality tool has an interactive map and datasets with indicators in eight categories, including climate change, to identify overburdened communities. Here’s more. An Environmental Justice Dashboard from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides similar insights, with a map function and more about the data, plus links to other national, state and city screening tools.

Justice40 Initiative
The U.S.’s whole-of-government environmental justice initiative, which aims for massive Federal investment to disadvantaged, environmentally overburdened communities, including as a result of climate change. This document outlines how the investment plan works and includes links to related federal agency programs, such as through the Department of Justice’s Office of Environmental Justice and the Department of Energy’s environmental justice resource page.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Justice Resources
The agency’s resource page on the Inflation Reduction Act and Environmental and Climate Justice Program includes links to an EPA IRA Disadvantaged Communities map, as well as to a Climate Justice Community Change Grants program (see release about the $2 billion fund). Also visit the EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights and its Environmental Justice Learning Center.

NOAA, NASA Environmental Justice Resources
NOAA’s environmental justice page includes links to a climate equity and environmental justice seminar series and other resources, while NASA’s environmental justice page links to an environmental justice data catalog and details how NASA data issues like extreme weather, sea level rise, water availability and heat waves can help address environmental justice concerns.

United Nations Climate Justice Resources
The United Nations Development Programme has an environmental justice page that includes a report with extensive climate justice references, while the UNFCCC has an introduction to gender and climate change, and the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs also has a page on Indigenous peoples and climate change. More UN-related climate justice materials can be found here, and the UNFCCC has an ongoing set of climate justice news here.

NAACP 10,000 Steps Toolkit
The civil rights organization has a climate justice project toolkit as part of its youth initiative, with a history of environmental and climate justice. Also, the National Black Environmental Justice Network, a coalition of environmental justice organizations and activists of African descent, includes a climate justice focus in its platform, as does the Black Lives Matter movement (more on BLM and climate justice here). In addition, the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice has a HBCU Climate Change Consortium among the historically black college and university community to help raise awareness about the disproportionate impact of climate change on marginalized communities.  

Indigenous Environmental Network’s Just Transition Program
This grassroots Indigenous organization has an extensive statement about the transition from fossil fuels and climate justice, including a discussion about economic renewal, a regenerative economy and the Green New Deal.

World’s Youth for Climate Justice
A youth-led umbrella organization with a global campaign to bring climate change and human rights before the International Court of Justice. Resources include a youth climate justice handbook and toolkit.

Climate Justice Alliance
This alliance of 89 urban and rural frontline communities, organizations and supporting networks in the climate justice movement has initiatives on a “just energy transition” and “just recovery” from climate disasters, along with a page on COP28.

The Equitable and Just National Climate Platform
A set of detailed positions developed by a group of environmental justice and national environmental group advocates who participate in the Climate Platform, including the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy; the Center for American Progress; and the Natural Resources Defense Council, with support from the Midwest Environmental Justice Network and the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance. The site also has a Justice40 resource page.

Union of Concerned Scientists’ The Equation Blog
Dozens of environment- and climate justice-related blog posts from the nonprofit organization, including a COP28-related outlook from its president and other COP28 posts.

Resources for the Future-Urban Institute Series on Environmental Justice
The event series from the nonprofit think tank exploring how interdisciplinary research can inform better policy design and public investments to address inequities, including on climate change. RFF also has a detailed look at the early plans for the Inflation Reduction Act in the context of climate justice.

The B Corp Climate Collective — What Is Climate Justice?
This business-oriented nonprofit network has a Climate Justice Playbook for Business and a climate justice resources page with links focused on race, Indigenous communities, gender and youth. Also, from the business-led collaboration network Business Fights Poverty, see its Climate Justice Learning Zone, which includes resource kits and other climate justice resources, as well as a COP28 summit.

Second Nature Climate Justice Resources
This organization, focused on higher education climate initiatives, has a working paper on higher education’s role in advancing climate justice, as well as discussions of practical recommendations, sessions and webinars, case studies and more.

American Bar Association Environmental Justice Resources
Maintained by members of the ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, this resource serves as a forum for sharing knowledge about environmental justice in the legal field. If offers up links to an extensive series of articles and webinars, along with a long list of non-ABA resources in the field.

U.S. Climate Change Litigation Databases
A joint project of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School and Arnold & Porter, it includes separate data on U.S. climate change litigation and global climate change litigation. The Sabin Center also has its own climate justice project and publication page with books, articles and white papers, while Arnold & Porter also has a climate change page.


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