
"A Dilemma With Aging Coal Plants: Retire Them Or Restore Them?"

"When the coal-fired power plant at the Bingham Canyon copper mine in Utah started up, Franklin D. Roosevelt was running for his fourth term as president. The top music hits were sung by Bing Crosby, Jimmy Dorsey and Dinah Shore. D-Day was still a couple of months away."

Source: Wash Post, 06/16/2014

Massive Clean-Up Starts with Removal of Toxic Muck From Passaic River

"LYNDHURST — Crews have finished removing just over 16,000 cubic yards of highly toxic sediment from a six-acre mudflat along the Passaic River, an early step in a multi-year federal cleanup spanning from Garfield down to Newark Bay.

The $20 million project, near Riverside County Park in Lyndhurst, is just a small part of what officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency expect to be one of the largest federal Superfund projects in history.

Source: Newark Star-Ledger, 06/11/2014

"Flawed Drilling Gear Still in Use After BP Oil Spill, Board Says"

"Design problems with a blowout prevention system contributed to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster, and the same equipment is still commonly used in drilling four years after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, according to a report issued by the federal Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board."

Source: LA Times, 06/09/2014


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