People & Population

"America's Climate Refugees"

"The people of Newtok, on the west coast of Alaska and about 400 miles south of the Bering Strait that separates the state from Russia, are living a slow-motion disaster that will end, very possibly within the next five years, with the entire village being washed away." ... "Climate change has accelerated the normal process of erosion along Alaska's rivers and coasts - especially near the shores of the Bering and Arctic seas."

Source: Guardian, 05/17/2013

'Environmental Justice’ Soldiers on Minus King, Queen, or Major Dollars

"While mainstream environmental organizations lick their wounds over the failure of climate-change legislation and their startling lack of diversity, people of color and those living on low incomes continue to bear the brunt of climate-change impacts."

Source: Colorlines, 04/25/2013
June 21, 2019

DEADLINE: NSF Antarctic Reporting Opportunity

The National Science Foundation and the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration are accepting proposals from media professionals to visit a "deep-field" camp on the remote Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica in December 2019, for a period of about two weeks. Apply by Jun 21.


Keystone XL: South Dakota Tribes Fight The 'Black Snake'

"Debra White Plume and Marie Brush Breaker Randall stood in the middle of Highway 44, alongside more than 70 other members of the Oglala Lakota Nation. For hours, they didn't budge -- much to the chagrin of some tractor-trailer drivers bound for the tar sands region of Alberta, Canada."

Source: Huffington Post, 04/18/2013

White House OMB Secretly Weakened Food Safety Rule

It may come as little surprise that an unknown number of Americans could die as a result of White House weakening of food safety rules mandated by Congress. The Office of Management and Budget has been secretly weakening environmental health and safety at industry request for years. The surprise is that we found out.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Exxon "Unified Command" Locks Down Ark. Spill Site; Threatens Reporter

The March 29, 2013, spill from ExxonMobil's Pegasus Pipeline near Mayflower, Arkansas is a big deal for several reasons. But the most important thing about the Mayflower spill may be that ExxonMobil and the federal agencies involved seem to be trying to keep news media from getting close enough to see what is going on. Read SEJ's letter protesting the media treatment, and EPA's response.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Sierra: Pollution 'Human Rights Abuse' To Poor, Minorities in Detroit

"Metro Detroit’s poor and minority populations face greater health and environmental challenges than most communities because of their proximity to industrial pollution - an “environmental injustice” and “human rights abuse,” Sierra Club Detroit officials said today as they released a report on the state of Detroit’s environment."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 04/05/2013


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