Laws & Regulations

SEJournal Summer 2013, Vol. 23 No. 2

In this issue: ESA at 40 — 40 things journalists should know; tangled tale of the endangered wolf; SEJ resources for busy enviro journalists; how one freelancer supports a travel addiction; five book reviews; IJNR institute inspires journalists; watershed tipsheet; and SEJ's 2012 individuals donor list.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Paragliding Photojournalist Arrested Near Kansas Feedlot

Award-winning photojournalist George Steinmetz was arrested June 28, 2013, after flying a motorized paraglider over a cattle feedlot in Finney County, Kansas, while on assignment for National Geographic magazine.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Many Mishaps Among Drillers, But Few Fines"

"If Kristi Mogen causes a crash on the road, she knows she'll probably get a ticket and have to pay a fine. So she's frustrated that Wyoming officials didn't fine Chesapeake Energy Corp. for an April 2012 blowout near her home outside Douglas, Wyo. The ruptured gas well spewed gas and chemicals for three days, forcing her and her neighbors to evacuate their homes." ...

Source: EnergyWire, 07/16/2013

"Keystone XL Environmental Consultant ‘Lied’ About TransCanada Ties"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- The latest environmental assessment of the controversial TransCanada Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is flawed because the contractor hired by the U.S. State Department to write the review 'lied' on its conflict of interest disclosure form about its past work for TransCanada, finds research released Wednesday by two environmental groups."

Source: ENS, 07/12/2013

Eastman Sues 2 Small Labs for Saying Its Plastics May Be Unsafe

"On its face, Eastman Chemical’s lawsuit against two small Texas labs that have said its plastics may be unsafe for consumption looks like a David and Goliath kind of fight (in fact, that’s how the labs are describing it). Corporate giant attempts to silence scientists -- including a professor at the University of Texas at Austin -- from publicizing research that runs counter to its commercial interests."

Source: Inside Higher Ed, 07/10/2013
July 15, 2013

Wetlands, Wildlife Habitat, and Flood Hazards in the Rock River Basin Webinar Series: Wetland Restoration in the Rock River Basin

This Environmental Law Institute webinar series is designed to identify opportunities for emergency, floodplain, and wetland management agencies to work together to maximize the flood control and ecosystem service benefits of our wetlands, thereby saving financial and environmental resources and building community resilience to climate change.



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