Journalism & Media

"Scientific Integrity Policies Now Dead Letters"

"Washington, DC — The odds of scientists successfully correcting breaches in scientific integrity are slim to none, according to an analysis by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Very few scientists report research misconduct under official agency scientific integrity policies and almost none of those complaints are investigated, and even fewer sustained."

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"Autopsy On Act Of Scientific Suppression"

"Washington, DC — A controversial decision to pull the plug on a federal study of the socio-economic impacts of coal strip mining has no identified author, according to documents obtained by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Nor were the reasons behind the action pinpointed, as key documents are still being withheld as “deliberative.”"

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EDGI Releases Report On Censorship Of Climate Info On Federal Websites

"On Monday, the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI) released a new report on how the Trump administration has altered the use of climate change-related terms on federal websites."

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September 20, 2019

DEADLINE: Center for Health Journalism Impact Fund

The Center for Health Journalism at the USC Annenberg School of Journalism is offering Impact Fund grants of $2,000-$10,000 for groundbreaking reporting on the health of underserved communities in California, including an exploration of environmental conditions where people live and work. Deadline: Sep 20, 2019.


Greens Ask Interior Watchdog To Probe Agency's Public Records Policies

"A number of conservation groups are asking the Interior Department’s internal watchdog to investigate reports that political appointees are improperly interfering in the release of public records."

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New EPA Rule Could Give Politicals More Veto Power on FOIA Requests

"More political appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could soon have the authority to weigh in on public information requests. The rule is expected to be published in the Federal Register as early as Wednesday and will not allow for a public comment period."

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"Lawmakers Talk Legislation In Response To FOIA Changes"

"Senators from both parties are unhappy with new Trump administration rules giving political appointees at two government agencies more power to review public information requests, and they say they may craft legislation to fix it."

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