
"Forest Service Sticks Up for Coal Mining on Roadless Lands"

"The U.S. Forest Service announced it will try to reinstate the exemption to Colorado’s roadless rule that allows coal mines to build roads in protected areas of Western Colorado.  The exemption was struck down last summer by a federal court because the government failed to assess the impact of that future coal mining on climate change."

Source: High Country News, 04/09/2015

"Firefighters Face Risky 'New Normal' in Wildfire Behavior"

"RENO, Nev. -- Todd McNeal, chief of Twain Harte Fire and Rescue, spoke before his fellow firefighters and foresters last week with the tone of an evangelist. 'There is fundamental change that has occurred around us,' said McNeal, his voice rising to fill a dimly lit casino resort conference hall."

Source: ClimateWire, 04/01/2015

"A Forest’s Family Roots Stand in a Pipeline’s Path"

An ecological treasure, a forest maintained by the Kernan Family in upstate New York for seven decades, is now "threatened by the construction of the Constitution Pipeline, a $700 million, 124-mile conduit designed to transport natural gas from the Marcellus Shale fields of northeast Pennsylvania" to pipelines serving markets in New York and New England.

Source: NY Times, 02/13/2015
February 27, 2015

DEADLINE: IJNR Sagebrush Country Institute

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources invites applications by Feb 27th for this Apr 6-13, 2015 institute to Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado and Idaho. Fellows will  explore the longstanding Greater Sage Grouse story, its habitat and the area's related natural resource, energy and environment issues.



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