Environmental Politics

"School Lessons Targeted By Climate Change Doubters"

"A Connecticut lawmaker wants to strike climate change from state science standards. A Virginia legislator worries teachers are indoctrinating students with their personal views on global warming. And an Oklahoma state senator wants educators to be able to introduce alternative viewpoints without fear of losing their jobs."

Source: AP, 03/08/2019

"Climate Change Pervades Congress After Years Of Quiet"

"All of a sudden, it's gotten really hard to escape climate change. Not the problem itself — that threat has been looming for a while now. But discussions about global warming have hit a fever pitch in recent months, often overwhelming other issues in Congress, on television and on the campaign trail."

Source: ClimateWire, 03/08/2019

"EPA: Wehrum's Old Clients Back 'Ambient Air' Plan — Documents"

"Three decades ago, congressional auditors slammed an obscure EPA policy for effectively allowing companies to circumvent air pollution control requirements. But the policy, which defines "ambient air" for regulatory purposes, remained in place. Now, at industry's prompting, the Trump administration is poised to dramatically expand its scope."

Source: Greenwire, 03/08/2019


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