Environmental Politics

After Secrecy Claims, Bayer's Own Lapses Revealed as Biggest Threat

A U.S. Chemical Safety Board public hearing, delayed for a month due to Bayer's pleas for secrecy, finds lack of safety to be contributing factors to the 'accident' that killed two at an Institute, WV, plant in August 2008.
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"EPA Environmental Justice Grants Fund Projects in 28 States"

EPA is awarding $800,000 in grants to organizations working with communities throughout the country that struggle with environmental justice issues. Under the Environmental Justice Small Grants Program, 40 grants, up to $20,000 each, are going to community organizations and local and tribal governments in 28 states for projects aimed at addressing environmental and public health issues." Environment News Service had the story March 24, 2009.

Source: ENS, 03/25/2009

Nation's Energy Future Holds Promise for E-Journalists

SEJ's annual conference helps reporters understand complex subjects like coal, nuclear power and climate change — and the Obama administration's stance thereon. SEJ President Christy George explains.

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