Energy & Fuel

Report: Canada Has Hot Geothermal Prospects

The Geological Survey of Canada states the best prospects are in British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon, and the westernmost portion of the Northwest Territories, with some good potential also in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and modest prospects in many other parts of the country.

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"A Pipeline Divides Along Old Lines: Jobs Versus the Environment"

"GLENDIVE, Mont. — The final days of rancorous public debate over a $7 billion oil pipeline that would snake from Canada through the midsection of the United States have taken on an unexpected urgency this week, as the economic and environmental stakes of the massive project snap into focus at a time of festering anxiety about the nation's future."

Source: NY Times, 09/29/2011
September 30, 2011

DEADLINE: IJNR Energy Country Institute — NM and CO

IJNR, the Institutes for Journalism & Natural Resources, is inviting applications for its Energy Country Institute, Nov 4-12, 2011. Learn about the people, landscapes and natural resources of the Four Corners region. Santa Fe will serve as the hub city for this journey through parts of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. Deadline: Sep 30th.

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