Energy & Fuel

April 16, 2013

Whither Audit Policies at EPA and the States?

The Environmental Law Institute offers via teleconference/webinar an expert panel which will discuss the current state of EPA audit policies at the Federal and state levels and best practices moving forward.


DOT Proposes Penalty For Exxon Pipeline Spill into Yellowstone River

"BILLINGS, Mont. -- Federal regulators proposed $1.7 million in civil penalties against Exxon Mobil Corp. on Monday for safety violations linked to a pipeline rupture that spilled an estimated 63,000 gallons of crude oil into Montana's scenic Yellowstone River."

Source: AP, 03/26/2013

"Scottish Government Approves Windfarm Opposed By Donald Trump"

"A controversial offshore wind project off the coast of Aberdeen has been approved by the Scottish government. The 11-turbine European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre is bitterly opposed by US businessman Donald Trump, who has complained that it will the spoil the view from his nearby golf course."

Source: Guardian, 03/26/2013

"Coming Soon: U.S. Tier 3 Emissions and Fuel Standards"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- Sometime before the end of March, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is expected to propose new national vehicle emissions and fuel standards by updating a program called Tier 3. Updated Tier 3 standards would cut smog and soot, among other pollutants, by establishing new standards for light-duty vehicles and their fuels to reduce emissions of the most toxic pollutants."

Source: ENS, 03/25/2013


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