Energy & Fuel

OR, WA Coal Export Terminals Threatened By Falling Asian Prices

"Three years ago, coal was hot. Stoked by insatiable coal-fired Chinese power plants, international demand boomed. Prices soared. Phones rang frequently at Oregon and Washington ports. On the other end? Eager investors hoping to snatch up land to build export terminals to quench Asian demand. How things have changed."

Source: Portland Oregonian, 12/16/2013

Dems Ask Obama To Postpone KXL Decision Amid Conflict Of Interest Probe

"WASHINGTON –- Twenty-five House Democrats sent a letter to President Barack Obama on Thursday urging him to delay a decision on Keystone XL until the State Department's Inspector General finishes investigating the contractor that completed the environmental analysis of the proposed pipeline."

Source: Huffington Post, 12/13/2013

Michigan DNR Director Prohibits Drilling Near Au Sable River Corridor

"LANSING, Mich. — State Natural Resources Director Keith Creagh prohibited drilling on land tracts in the Au Sable River’s “holy waters” corridor Thursday while approving oil and gas exploration leases that worried fly fishermen and environmentalists."

Source: Detroit News, 12/13/2013

Podesta Recused From KXL, But Not Company That Worked With TransCanada

The Obama White House announced that newly appointed Keystone XL opponent John Podesta would recuse himself from any decisions about the controversial pipeline. But documents have shown that ERM, the company that produced a favorable report on the pipeline for the State Department, had serious conflicts of interest, which were hidden by both ERM and the State Department.

Source: Huffington Post, 12/12/2013


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