Energy & Fuel

"House Approves Defense, Water Projects Bill"

"The House on Thursday afternoon sent the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act to the Senate floor for consideration next week. The legislation, which passed the House 350-80, carries a number of energy and environment riders, including authorizing billions of dollars for water infrastructure projects and environmental cleanups."

Source: E&E News, 12/09/2022

Big Oil Talks ‘Transition’ But Perpetuates Petroleum, House Documents Say

"Some of the world’s major oil companies remain internally skeptical about the “energy transition” to a low-carbon economy, even as they publicly portray their firms as partners in the cause, according to documents obtained by The Post that will be released by a House committee Friday."

Source: Washington Post, 12/09/2022

"Truck Makers Lobby To Weaken U.S. Climate Policies, Report Finds"

"Truck manufacturers and an industry trade group privately lobbied to weaken U.S. climate policies while publicly promoting zero-emissions trucks, according to a new report from a think tank that tracks corporate influence on climate policy."

Source: NPR, 12/09/2022


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