
BLM Tweaks Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Policies

The changes affect only new drilling areas and may include greater consideration of environmental impacts, more public review, fewer "categorical exclusions" from environmental review, and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Rate of Oil Leak, Still Not Clear, Puts Doubt on BP"

"On Monday, BP said a cap was capturing 11,000 barrels of oil a day from the well. The official government estimate of the flow rate is 12,000 to 19,000 barrels a day, which means the new device should be capturing the bulk of the oil. But is it? With no consensus among experts on how much oil is pouring from the wellhead, it is difficult -- if not impossible -- to assess the containment cap’s effectiveness."

Source: NYTimes, 06/08/2010

"AP IMPACT: Many Gulf Federal Judges Have Oil Links"

"More than half of the federal judges in districts where the bulk of Gulf oil spill-related lawsuits are pending have financial connections to the oil and gas industry, complicating the task of finding judges without conflicts to hear the cases, an Associated Press analysis of judicial financial disclosure reports shows."

Source: AP, 06/07/2010

"La. Workers Fear Job Losses With Drilling Stopped"

"During President Obama's visit to the Louisiana coast, he got an earful from local officials about his six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Many people -- from work boat captains to offshore caterers -- say shutting down the industry for that long could be a bigger economic blow to the region than the oil spill itself."

Source: NPR, 06/07/2010


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