Climate Change

Activist Cash

Activist Cash

A turnabout on some of the databases above, ActivistCash is operated by the anti-regulatory front group Center for Consumer Freedom. Much of the information comes from the IRS form 990s filed by environmental nonprofit organizations. It also includes information on individual activists and pro-environmental celebrities. Accuses ideological enemies of "false science."

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This site, while cast in blog form, includes a searchable database of climate-change denialists. It is run and funded by Canadian PR magnate Jim Hoggan, founder of James Hoggan & Associates, "to clear the PR pollution that is clouding the science on climate change." Timely counter-spin.

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Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air

Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air

Subtitle: "How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco's Tactics to "Manufacture Uncertainty" on Climate Change"  A Jan. 3, 2006, report done for the Union of Concerned Scientists by independent journalist Seth Shulman. It documents in detail a "disinformation campaign" on climate science, funded to the tune of $16 million by ExxonMobil between 1998 and 2005.

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SourceWatch (Wiki)

Center for Media & Democracy The iconoclastic CMD has been in the anti-spin biz for years (they wrote "Toxic Sludge Is Good for You" and produce "Spin of the Day"). This wiki project amounts to a nearly encyclopedic data file on the backgrounds and finances of many of the groups and spokespeople on the anti-regulatory front, with special emphasis on climate-change denialists.

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Climate Science Watch: Promoting Integrity in the Use of Climate Science in Government

This site focuses mainly on efforts by the Bush administration and other political forces to distort or censor climate science produced by government programs or with government funding. It is produced with foundation funds via the Government Accountability Project by whistleblower Rick Piltz, who revealed White House re-writes of science reports.

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