Economy & Business

Memo to Energy, Business, Science and Health Reporters

Fellow Journalists, we have a lot in common. We’ve read many of your stories on issues surrounding energy, business, science and health. We couldn’t help noticing a common link in so many of your stories: The environment. Those of us at the Society of Environmental Journalists think we are a very good fit for you. Read all the reasons why, by board president Jeff Burnside in the new issue of SEJournal.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Volkswagen Memos Suggest Emissions Problem Was Known Earlier"

"Volkswagen internal memos and emails suggest that company executives pursued a strategy of delay and obfuscation with United States regulators after being confronted in early 2014 with evidence that VW diesel vehicles were emitting far more pollutants than allowed."

Source: NY Times, 02/19/2016


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