
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

Protect Nature Or Face Deadlier Pandemics Than COVID, Scientists Warn

"Pandemics will emerge more often, spread faster, cost more and kill more people than COVID-19 without bold action to halt the habitat destruction that helps viruses hop from wildlife to humans, according to a study published on Thursday."

Source: Reuters, 10/30/2020

Conservative Court To Consider Upcoming Environment Cases

Amy Coney Barrett’s swearing-in as associate justice this week brings a solidifying conservative majority to the Supreme Court. That likely means environmental issues coming before the justices will face new legal tests. The latest TipSheet explores four prominent cases coming to the high court this term that will help shed light on its evolving views on climate, water and public information.

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"Trump Environmental Rollback Spurs Mining Near Okefenokee"

"A mining company said Tuesday that it plans to dig for minerals without a federal permit at the edge of the vast wildlife refuge in the Okefenokee Swamp, a big step for a once-embattled project that’s now benefiting from the Trump administration’s rollback of environmental rules."

Source: AP, 10/21/2020

Climate Assessment Delayed? Plus, High Court To Hear Enviro FOIA Case

A forthcoming U.S. National Climate Assessment, due in 2022, faces delays, thanks to Trump administration foot-dragging, according to the new WatchDog Opinion column. And the Supreme Court, possibly with a new Justice Amy Coney Barrett aboard, is about to hear arguments on a freedom of information case involving the Endangered Species Act.

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Galapagos: Chinese Fishing Fleets and COVID-19 Threaten A Natural Wonder

"Just south of the Galapagos’ Marchena Island, there’s a dive spot known by locals as the “fish arena.” There, within the choppy, cool waters of the Pacific, thousands of colorful fish swim in schools, lobsters poke their long antennae out of rocky outcrops, dolphins bear their young and moray eels gape menacingly at visitors who swim too close."

Source: LA Times, 10/19/2020


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