National (U.S.)

Reveal Household Cleaners' Ingredients, Enviros Urge

"Exactly what's in floor cleaner? What's stain remover made of? And what effects, if any, might they have on human health or the environment Environmental advocates want to know, and they asked a court Thursday to use a 1971 New York state law to force ... manufacturers ... to reveal just what makes up such household staples as Ajax, Ivory soap and Tide. The cleanser industry says that the legal case is unwarranted and that fears about health risks are misinformed."

Source: AP, 02/05/2010

"Penn State Investigates Researcher Over 'Climate-gate'"

"Penn State University announced Wednesday it had dismissed three of the most serious charges against one of its top climate researchers, Michael E. Mann, but would continue to probe if he violated academic standards of conduct in connection with Climate-gate, a series of e-mail exchanges that came to light after hackers pirated the University of East Anglia's server."

Source: Post Carbon, 02/04/2010


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