Northeast (CT MA ME NH NJ NY RI VT)

February 16, 2012

Finding the Needle in the Data Haystack: The Implications of a Data-Driven Built Environment

Within the green building industry, there is an increasing focus on policy, standards, and interoperability of building data.  Our intent is to look at the potential data pool for the entire industry. The first event in this effort is this 2-hour discussion at the NY Academy of Sciences, which will outline the state of the industry and explore both the move towards data analytics and the current state of data utilization in the real estate industry. A full-day conference on Data Analytics in the Built Environment will be held April 30th.

February 6, 2012

AJC NY Presents Digging Deeper: The Fracking Controversy

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) NY Energy Committee presents Digging Deeper: The Fracking Debate - Balancing the benefits of accessing shale assets with the importance of implementing effective measures to protect the environment. 5:30 p.m. with light refreshments.



"EPA May Retest PA. Water Near Fracking"

"Federal regulators are considering retesting water supplies at a small town in Pennsylvania that residents say have been contaminated by natural gas drilling.

Just a month after declaring water in Dimock safe, officials from the Environmental Protection Agency are taking another look after new evidence suggested that drinking water could be polluted worse than originally thought.

Source: Reuters, 01/06/2012

"Fracking Will Poison New York's Drinking Water, Critics Warn"

"A former staffer at a state government agency responsible for regulating hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has warned that allowing the controversial gas drilling method in New York would lead to contamination of the state's aquifers and would poison its drinking water.

Source: Guardian, 01/06/2012
January 31, 2024

DEADLINE: Nieman Fellowships for Journalists

The Nieman Foundation selects up to 12 U.S. and 12 International journalists for Nieman Fellowships each year. Spend two semesters at Harvard (or possibly online) pursuing a course of study of your own design. $85,000 stipend (U.S. only) plus housing, childcare and health insurance allowances. Deadlines: Dec 1, 2023, for International; Jan 31, 2024, for US applicants.

Topics on the Beat: 
May 8, 2012

Beyond Ideology: How Should We Feed Ourselves If We Care About Nature?

Faced with ever-increasing population and ever-decreasing food systems, five scientists discuss the challenges and potential solutions that could feed the people and protect nature. The fourth installment of The New York Academy of Sciences' and The Nature Conservancy's four-part series Discourses on Nature and Society.

Topics on the Beat: 


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