Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

"Organisms In Ballast Water Increasing Despite Discharge Measures"

"Ships arriving in Chesapeake Bay ports bring more than just cargo — in 2013 they also inadvertently released an estimated 10 billion live zooplankton from other parts of the world, a finding that surprised the researchers who recently reported the results."

Source: Bay Journal, 06/08/2017

"Mayor Peduto Slams Trump For Name-Dropping Pittsburgh"

"When Bill Peduto campaigned this spring for re-election, he banked on Pittsburghers’ distaste for the president. The mayor aired a 30-second TV spot that knocked Donald Trump over health care and education, even calling him a New England Patriots fan."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 06/02/2017

Get Ready for Hurricanes

The 2017 hurricane season officially begins this week and experts say it may be worse than usual. So the latest TipSheet has sources and tools to help you prepare for your hurricane coverage. Understand the importance of landfall and storm path, find out about this year's big wild card, and get tips for staying safe.

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