Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

Wisconsin: Another Case Pits Freedom of Information Against Academic Freedom

A top Wisconsin Republican party official on March 17 filed a request under the state's freedom-of-information law for emails written by University of Wisconsin's William J. Cronon, after the professor blogged about the American Legislative Exchange Council, an anti-regulatory group that lobbies state legislatures.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Ohio EPA Tries To Limit Brine Dumps in Rivers"

"Fast-growing interest in natural-gas drilling could create a flood of cash for Ohio cities eager to treat wastewater used to coax the gas from deep inside Utica and Marcellus shale. But what's good for the cities might be bad for the state. The process could pollute Ohio streams and rivers, environmental officials say."

Source: Columbus Dispatch, 02/14/2011


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