Alaska and Hawaii

"Seattle Port Votes to Delay Drilling Rigs on the Way to Alaska"

"The Port of Seattle’s board voted Tuesday to ask that the arrival of Shell’s Arctic drilling rigs be delayed, bowing to a wave of public pressure by protesters and city officials over the company’s plans to drill this summer off the coast of Alaska and use Puget Sound as a home port."

Source: NY Times, 05/13/2015

"How Brain-Damaging Mercury Puts Arctic Kids at Risk"

"In the frozen far north, in Arctic Quebec, the Inuit have relied on the same nutritious foods culled from the oceans for centuries: beluga whale, fish, seal, and walrus. But some of these traditional foods have become so contaminated with brain-damaging mercury that the IQs of schoolchildren in remote Arctic villages are abnormally low."

Source: National Geographic, 03/31/2015


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