
How Climate Change Complicates the Refugee Crisis

The displacement of populations by climate impacts, while not a new phenomenon in human history, is worsening in the face of global warming’s extreme weather patterns. Yet the extensive international regime to aid refugees doesn’t cover those migrating due to flooding, drought, natural disasters or climate change. Backgrounder considers the implications and how nations will respond to the new realities.

SEJ Publication Types: 

World On Pace For Much More Warming Without Immediate Action, Report Warns

"The world is on a path to get 1.8 degrees Celsius (3.2 Fahrenheit) warmer than it is now, but could trim half a degree of that projected future heating if countries do everything they promise to fight climate change, a United Nations report said Thursday."

Source: AP, 10/25/2024

Meet The Rangers Who Protect One Of Earth’s Most Remote And Diverse Reefs

"The handful of rangers who protect one of Earth’s most remote and biologically diverse reefs have only each other for company for months at a time. They worry about running out of gas for boat patrols, their drinking water can get dangerously low and rising seas are nipping away at the tiny island that hosts their station."

Source: AP, 10/24/2024
December 31, 2024

DEADLINE: Hong Kong International Film Festival

The 2025 HKIFF takes place April 10-21. Films must have been completed after Jan. 1, 2024. English subtitles are required for non-English language films. Cash prizes in multiple categories. Entry fees are USD$40 to USD$80. Deadlines: Nov 3 (earlybird); Dec 31 (late).

Topics on the Beat: 
December 5, 2024

DEADLINE: NRDC Climate Storytelling Fellowship

The fellowship will award $20,000 to three writers to support revisions of a feature screenplay or pilot that engages with climate change in a compelling way. Receive creative support and mentorship from an established screenwriter with an interest in climate storytelling. Apply by Dec 5, 2024.



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