Professional Meetings

October 12, 2016

Can a President Really Rewrite the First Amendment?: A Look at Campaign Threats and their Potential Impact on the Media

At the National Press Club in DC, a panel of lawyers and journalists will examine the potential impact the 2016 campaign’s rhetoric could have on the news media, including: access issues and policies of different administrations and campaigns; the historical and legal underpinnings of First Amendment protections against lawsuits brought by public officials and public figures; and the impact a changed Supreme Court could have on those protections.

September 27, 2016

The Swarm Inside: Making Sense of the Microbiome

Please join us Tuesday, either online via live webcast or in person at New York University, for a lively conversation about the myriad microbes that make us tick with science writer (and now bestselling author) Ed Yong and the eminent microbial geneticist and museum curator Susan Perkins.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 4, 2017 to April 7, 2017

IAIA17, Impact Assessment’s Contribution to the Global Efforts in Addressing Climate Change

Using our skills to adapt or mitigate the adverse effects of climate change is one of the greatest challenges we face. The 37th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment in Montréal will share information, best practices, success stories, innovations, and lessons learned with delegates from all over the world.

Topics on the Beat: 
June 19, 2016 to June 24, 2016

13th International Coral Reef Symposium

The 2016 ICRS theme is "Bridging Science to Policy." The event in Honolulu will bring together ~2,500 coral reef scientists, policy makers and managers from 70 different nations in a forum to present the latest research findings, case histories and management activities, and to discuss the application of scientific knowledge to achieving coral reef sustainability.


August 31, 2016 to September 2, 2016

IAIA Special Symposium Water and Impact Assessment: Investment, Infrastructure, Legacy

The International Association for Impact Assessment's seminar in Lincoln, UK aims to advance a multidisciplinary discussion about the challenges and opportunities associated with the management of water-related impacts across investment sectors and more.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 6, 2016

Kavli Conversations on Science Communication at NYU

The Spring 2016 series of live webcasts, hosted by NYU's Science, Health & Environmental Reporting Program and moderated by the Wall Street Journal's Robert Lee Hotz, began with climate change on Feb 24. Upcoming events include physics (Mar 9), genetic modification (Apr 6), the neuroscience of violence (Apr 20), human evolution (May 4), followed by additional events in the fall.

February 24, 2016

Getting Real About Climate: Storytelling for a Warming Planet

This is the first in a series of Kavli Conversations on Science Communication, hosted by NYU's Science, Health & Environmental Reporting Program. Attend in person or via interactive, live webcast, 6:30 p.m.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 24, 2017 to March 26, 2017

Power of Narrative Conference

Strengthen your craft skills, puzzle out the complex ethics of intimate journalism, and impart the down-to-earth humanity that is the genre's strength at the 2017 event at Boston University.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 10, 2020 to September 12, 2020

Excellence in Journalism 2020

EIJ2020, in Washington, DC, is a collaboration of the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) .

August 3, 2016 to August 7, 2016

NABJ/NAHJ Joint Convention and Career Fair

The two largest minority journalist organizations in the United States are joining forces to offer unequalled opportunities for face-to-face networking and professional development at a joint annual convention in Washington, DC.

Topics on the Beat: 


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