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Virtual Workshop on the Human Cost of Climate Change
The Graham Sustainability Institute at the University of Michigan presents a "Virtual Workshop on the Human Cost of Climate Change" on Friday, October 7, 2022, 9am - 12pm ET
The impacts of climate change have begun to promote large-scale human migration to more hospitable areas, and this trend is set to accelerate (IPCC, 2022). Some estimate that hundreds of millions of people will be displaced by the end of the century. While much of this migration will be within countries, some will be between nations, requiring international coordination. As both climate migration and its coverage in the media increase, will climate migrants be accepted by receiving communities? Will existing political conflicts affect support for climate migrants or mitigation efforts?
Join a group of interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners as they share knowledge and discuss the issues surrounding climate change-induced migration.
9:00am Welcome + Opening Keynote Address
9:45am Panel Discussion on Climate Change & Migration: Politics, Policy, & Predictions!
10:45am Multi-Disciplinary Academic Presentations: Latest Research on the Human Cost of Climate Change
Event closed captioning provided.
Keynote address by Eric Schwartz, a Professor of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota’s Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs and former president of Refugees International, a non-governmental organization which advocates for lifesaving assistance, human rights, and protection for displaced people.