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Poisons in the Press: Deciding for Yourself What's 'Safe' (in San Francisco)
When the news media report on contamination in the air, drinking water or food supply, the public understandably demands to know straight away, “Is it safe?” A distinguished panel of toxicologists and environmental journalists will discuss why the question defies straightforward answers, what’s keeping the public in the dark, and how citizens can make informed decisions on toxic risks in the absence of certainty.
- Linda S. Birnbaum, Ph.D., Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
- Kent R. Olson, M.D., Medical Director of the California Poison Control Center
- John Incardona, Supervisory Research Toxicologist, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
- Philip Wexler, Technical Information Specialist, National Library of Medicine’s Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program
- Chris Bowman, Chairman, Environment-Energy News Initiative, Capital Public Radio
- Marla Cone, Editor-In-Chief, Environmental Health News
- Janet Raloff, Senior Editor, Science News
- Jane Kay, San Francisco-based environment writer
When: Tue, Mar 13 2012 - 2:00 pm