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Free Webinar: Covering the Green Economy — The Future of Energy
Event Date:
November 16, 2010

This free, one-hour Webinar will provide journalists with:
- A detailed backgrounder of the oil industry: how and where are fossil fuels extracted and why they remain the foundation of the global economy; who the main players are among oil companies, the national agencies that regulate them, and global organizations that band producing and consuming nations together. Also, a brief tour of what the zeitgeist is – in terms of what energy companies and regulators are looking at right now.
- An understanding of how energy production or consumption relate to local economies – not only at the pump, but also in terms of jobs and tax revenue generation, as well as environmental impact.
- Useful websites to gather local, national and global information about energy that can lead to ideas or help nail stories down.
Your instructor is Angel Gonzalez, Houston bureau chief for Dow Jones Newswires, where he helps lead the Newswires’ coverage of the global energy industry. He has written about OPEC, hurricanes, Big Oil companies, renewable energy and the BP oil spill for Dow Jones Newswires, and The Wall Street Journal.