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Conference on EPA and the Future of Environmental Protection
As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 50th anniversary approaches, this conference will consider EPA's role in leading the nation and the world in meeting future environmental challenges. American University's Center for Environmental Policy and The Washington College of Law Program on Environmental and Energy Law are co-hosting this conference, in cooperation with the EPA Alumni Association and the Environmental Law Institute.
Featured speakers include:
- William K. Reilly, Carol Browner and Gina McCarthy, former EPA Administrators
- Robert Perciasepe, President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
- Ben Grumbles, Maryland's Secretary of the Department of the Environment
- George Hawkins, former General Manager of DC Water and Executive in Residence at American University
- Denis Hayes, Founder of the Earth Day Network and President of the Bullitt Foundation
- and many more
Date: April 23-24, 2019
Location: American University, Grossman Hall (Washington College of Law), 4300 Nebraska Avenue NW, Washington, DC
Attend in person or by live streaming.