Fish & Fisheries

Great Lakes Offer Great Stories to Reporters in the Know

The Great Lakes are not only the largest fresh water system in the world, supplying drinking water to tens of millions. They also face a range of environmental woes that make them ready fodder for reporters. This week’s TipSheet runs down some ongoing developments, plus key resources to cover them.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Fishermen Suit Against Atlantic Marine Monument Moves Ahead"

"Organizations suing to eliminate the first national marine monument in the Atlantic Ocean have gotten the OK to proceed with a suit designed to reopen the area to commercial fishing, which environmentalists fear could jeopardize preservation efforts."

Source: AP, 03/28/2018

Chesapeake’s ‘Secret Garden’ Thriving Again, But Trump Could End That

"The Chesapeake Bay restoration plan is fueling the most robust resurgence of underwater grasses and submerged aquatic vegetation in the world, according to a new study."

Source: Washington Post, 03/06/2018


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