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House and Senate Leadership Begins To Shape Up

The heads of Obama administration Congressional committees and subcommittees will likely be in the spotlight in the coming months. This overview will help you get a feel for who these people are, or who will soon be chosen.

Top 10 Endangered Southern Areas

The Southern Environmental Law Center's top 10 places in America's South that face "immediate, potentially irreparable threats in 2009" represent a cross-section of the major environmental issues facing these states.

Concern Resurfaces for Drinking Water and Food Contaminant

In one of many last-minute actions, the Bush administration delayed a decision on a drinking water standard for the contaminant perchlorate (used in rocket fuel, explosives, fireworks, and many other industrial products, and also occurs naturally), but issued a temporary advisory recommendation. This has immediate implications for at least 31 large US utilities, and perhaps hundreds more.

SEJournal Spring 1994, Vol. 4 No. 1

In this issue: Fading mags: Environmental publications fall on hard times, reassess market; Mainstream reporters miss environmental justice story...for the complete hotlinked table of contents, click on the journal cover.

SEJournal Summer 1994, Vol. 4 No. 2

In this issue: Dirty business?: Examining if your paper is a polluter; E exposes secrets of newsstand biz; 'Old' nuke story earns Pulitzer for Albuquerque Trib reporter...for the complete hotlinked table of contents, click on the journal cover.

SEJournal Fall 1994, Vol. 4 No. 3

In this issue: Covering Cairo: The issue diverges at the U.S. border; Some basics of the population debate; Q&A: Roberts tells journalists to stand up for their principles; and more.

