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Where's Canada's Energy Policy?

Energy issues and policy north of the US border are heating up in intriguing ways, with potentially significant effects throughout North America.

Earth Portal Is a Source For Science-Based Environmental Info

A wide variety of environmental news, opinions, and technical information is available at Earth Portal. The site provides information that you may not readily encounter via your usual sources, along with links to selected information published by others.

Ozone Forecasts Can Help Reduce Health Problems

As of Oct. 2, 2007, NOAA and EPA are making daily local forecasts of ground level ozone for the entire contiguous U.S. The latest upgrade adds forecast information for 11 Western states, and improves forecasting for 6 others.

FHWA Says Digital Billboards Can Be Acceptable

You may have thought that the billboard wars were largely over, after the efforts of Lady Bird Johnson, the passage of the Highway Beautification Act of 1965, and the subsequent adoption of regulations by states and local communities.

Three National Academies Reports Coming in October

Three reports being released by the National Academies' National Research Council have strong environmental links. Reports concern water, biofuels and ongoing conflicts between national security and the open flow of scientific information.
