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"Renewable Power Overcomes Hurdle in Senate"

"A measure requiring utilities to generate a certain amount of electricity from renewable sources, such as wind and solar, overcame a legislative hurdle in the U.S. Senate on Thursday."
Source: Reuters, 05/22/2009

House Committee Approves Climate Bill

"The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill by a vote of 33-25 on Thursday evening. It’s a landmark occasion, the first time a serious climate bill has made it this far in the House."
Source: Grist, 05/22/2009

Climate Bill Aids Coal Industry

"A climate change bill working its way through Congress this week has been packed with amendments aimed at giving the coal industry a chance to survive if technology to capture carbon dioxide emissions is eventually perfected and deployed."
Source: Charleston Gazette, 05/21/2009

Senate Confirms Interior Deputy

"The Senate confirmed David J. Hayes as a top Interior Department deputy last night as two Republican senators ended a standoff with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar that had held up Hayes's nomination."
Source: WashPost, 05/21/2009
