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CJR: "What We Didn't Know Has Hurt Us"

A Jan/Feb 2009 Columbia Journalism Review article enumerates many kinds of information the Bush administration veiled with secrecy; argues that disclosure is essential for democracy, yet the harm will not be easily undone.

FDA Knew About Mercury in Corn Syrup — And Kept Silent

In spite of one of its own scientists co-authoring a 2005 study finding toxic mercury in high fructose corn syrup, the Food and Drug Administration gave a green light to the corn industry's campaign advertising corn syrup as "natural."

Drinking Water Systems

Drinking water sources, purification, and distribution systems are essential to public health, and failures could be catastrophic.

Nuclear Plants and Materials

Security of nuclear power plants was definitely on people's minds as the WTC burned and nobody knew where the next plane would hit.

Dam Safety

The Bureau of Reclamation announced laconically Sept. 12 that it had stepped up security at Hoover, Glen Canyon, and Grand Coulee dams.

Climate Change Guide

Reporting on climate change? See SEJ's Climate Change Guide for help, resources, and sources.

Oil and Gas Pipelines

Because of their length, ubiquity, and remoteness, pipelines can be nearly impossible to defend.

Bioterrorism and Bioweapons

Following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, many experts have become more concerned that terrorists may maliciously spread biological agents such as anthrax or smallpox.
