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"NOAA Bans Commercial Harvesting Of Krill"

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has published a final rule in the Federal Register prohibiting the harvesting of krill in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington."
Source: SPX, 07/15/2009

Climate May Spawn 2010 Political War

Southern Virginia Democrat Rep. Tom Perriello voted for the House climate bill. Now both parties are waging a political war over his seat that may push the climate issue front and center in 2010 elections nationwide.
Source: ClimateWire, 07/15/2009

"Debate on Clean Energy Leads to Regional Divide"

The debate over the giant climate-change and energy bill now before Congress has set off a fight between Eastern and Midwestern politicians over transmission lines and solar and wind energy. Many of the best wind sites are in the Midwest, far from the electric load in populous East Coast cities.
Source: NYTimes, 07/14/2009

"Birds' Survival Relies On World's Largest Crab Orgy"

"The Delaware Bay is the site of the largest horseshoe crab orgy in the world. Mating season brings millions of crabs onto the beaches, and tens of thousands of migratory shorebirds, who gorge themselves on crab eggs on their way to the Arctic."
Source: NPR, 07/14/2009

"NPS to Propose Boat Rule for Grand Canyon"

"The National Park Service is proposing the extension of rules for boating on the Colorado River through part of Grand Canyon National Park to the landmark's entire 277-mile river corridor."
Source: Greenwire, 07/14/2009
