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"Company Defends Chief in Bhopal Disaster"

"Union Carbide is defending its former chief executive now wanted for arrest in India, saying that managers at the company’s plant in Bhopal could not have anticipated a gas leak that killed 10,000 people 25 years ago."
Source: NYTimes, 08/04/2009

"More D.C. Kids Had Elevated Lead Than Stated"

"More than twice as many D.C. children as previously reported by federal and local health officials had high levels of lead in their blood amid the city's drinking water crisis, according to congressional investigators, throwing into doubt assurances by those officials that the lead in tap water did not seriously harm city children."
Source: WashPost, 08/04/2009

"Is Oak Ridge Elementary Sick?"

A rash of headaches, coughing fits, red eyes, and other symptoms has closed Oak Ridge Elementary School in North Carolina while local, state, and federal officials figure out what is causing it.
Source: Greensboro News-Record, 08/03/2009
