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"'Citizen Army' Carries Coal's Climate Message to Hinterlands"

The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), whose PR contractors have been caught forging letters to Congress, is launching a $1 million campaign to send an army of "volunteers" to town hall meetings on climate change legislation -- in an effort similar to the shout-downs and occasional mob violence now being deployed against health care.
Source: Greenwire, 08/07/2009

Diverse Range of Experts Team Up On Wind Turbine Issue

Concerns continue to mount over the potential impact of wind-turbine blades on airborne wildlife. Hence, a consortium of experts has agreed on priorities for investigation, including turbine placement, design, and operation; aerodynamics of turbines, birds, and bats; and habitat, topography, and weather conditions.

More Lead Monitors Coming to a Facility or City Near You?

The Bush Administration, through the OMB, pressured EPA to water down lead monitoring requirements it had tightened in October 2008. Now EPA may get more or all of the monitors it originally wanted, near facilities that emit about a half ton of lead per year.

Big Money Targets Weatherization

The topic of weatherization might appear mundane, but the sheer magnitude of the current multi-billion-dollar program, and its relative importance in increasing energy efficiency and combating climate change, make it a story worth covering.

"Watering Down Airport Waste"

"Three years ago, the Department of Homeland Security passed new regulations. If you're a regular flyer, you know them well: no more bringing your drinks on the airplane. It turns out that this ruling isn't just inconvenient for us -- it's also inconvenient for the environment."
Source: Environment Report, 08/06/2009

"Psychological Barriers Hobble Climate Action"

"Psychological barriers like uncertainty, mistrust and denial keep most Americans from acting to fight climate change, a task force of the American Psychological Association said on Wednesday."
Source: Reuters, 08/06/2009

"First Comes Global Warming, Then An Evolutionary Explosion"

"In a matter of years or decades, researchers believe, animals and plants already are adapting to life in a warmer world. Some species will be unable to change quickly enough and will go extinct, but others will evolve, as natural selection enables them to carry on in an altered environment."
Source: YaleE360, 08/06/2009

"Tougher U.S. Lead Paint Law May Not Protect Americans"

"Companies on three continents continue to make and sell consumer paints that contain dangerous levels of lead despite the availability of technology to produce high-quality, low lead paint. A tougher lead paint standard takes effect in the United States later this month, but imported consumer goods may still contain hazardous amounts of lead paint."
Source: AP, 08/06/2009
