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China Seeks to Dominate in Renewable Energy

"When the United States' top energy and commerce officials arrive in China on Tuesday, they will land in the middle of a building storm over China's protectionist tactics to become the world's leader in renewable energy."
Source: NYTimes, 07/14/2009

"Feds Document Shrinking San Joaquin Valley Aquifer"

"California's San Joaquin Valley has lost 60 million acre-feet of groundwater since 1961, according to a new federal study. ... The Central Valley is America's largest farming region; it's also the single-largest zone of groundwater pumping."
Source: Sacramento Bee, 07/14/2009

"Crops, Ponds Destroyed in Quest for Food Safety"

"In the verdant farmland surrounding Monterey Bay, a national marine sanctuary and one of the world's biological jewels, scorched-earth strategies are being imposed on hundreds of thousands of acres in the quest for an antiseptic field of greens. And the scheme is about to go national."
Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 07/14/2009

EPA To Push Hard-Rock Mining Cleanup Bonds

"The Environmental Protection Agency, complying with a court order, will develop a rule to guarantee companies that mine everything from copper to uranium will pay for needed environmental cleanup, not taxpayers."
Source: AP, 07/14/2009

Interview: NOAA's Jane Lubchenco

Marine biologist Jane Lubchenco now heads one of the U.S. government’s key agencies researching climate change -- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Lubchenco discusses the central role her agency is playing in understanding the twin threats of global warming and ocean acidification.
Source: YaleE360, 07/13/2009

"Fast-Growing Kelp Invades San Francisco Bay"

"A fast-growing kelp from the Far East has spread along the California coast from Los Angeles to San Francisco Bay, worrying marine scientists and outpacing eradication efforts."
Source: AP, 07/13/2009
