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"Beach Pollution Still Nationwide Problem"

"Raw sewage and other pollution continued to foul American beaches in 2008. For the fourth year in a row, more than 20,000 beach closing days were reported in the USA, according to a report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) in Washington, D.C."
Source: USA TODAY, 07/30/2009

"U.S. Court Approves Gulf of Mexico Oil Drilling Plan"

"In a big win for oil companies, a federal appeals court said it will allow the U.S. Interior Department to move forward with oil and natural gas leasing plans for the Gulf of Mexico that were drawn up by the Bush administration."
Source: Reuters, 07/30/2009

"U.N. Chief Poleward Bound"

"Secretary General Ban ki-moon today announced plans to fly from Norway out over the Arctic Ocean to the Norwegian research vessel Lance near the North Pole on September 1. The planned excursion is part of his efforts to prod world leaders to take meaningful steps on global warming in treaty talks in Copenhagen in December."
Source: Dot Earth, 07/30/2009

DOE Closes Door To Journos

Journalists were told to leave the room before Deputy Energy Secretary Dan Poneman spoke to a group of lobbyists and private-industry representatives at the June 2009 meeting of the Energy Facility Contractors Group in Washington.
