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"EPA Vows to Be Chesapeake Watchdog"

"The federal government said Thursday that it would seek an unprecedented role as the environmental police of the Chesapeake Bay -- enforcing new rules on farmers and keeping a closer eye on state-level bureaucrats -- in an effort to halt the estuary's long decline."
Source: Washington Post, 09/11/2009

"Arctic Shortcut Beckons Shippers as Ice Thaws"

"For hundreds of years, mariners have dreamed of an Arctic shortcut that would allow them to speed trade between Asia and the West. Two German ships are poised to complete that transit for the first time, aided by the retreat of Arctic ice that scientists have linked to global warming."
Source: NYTimes, 09/11/2009

"Hispanics Face High Cancer Risk From Breathing Household Chemical"

"Hispanics have a cancer risk from air pollutants as much as five times the rate of others living in the same cities. But it isn’t outdoor air posing the greatest danger; it is something much closer to home: Toilet deodorizers and moth repellents in their bathrooms and closets. Researchers call for a ban on the carcinogenic chemical used in the consumer products."
Source: EHN, 09/11/2009
