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"US Battles for Credibility on Climate Change"

"With Congress moving slowly on a measure to curb industrial greenhouse gas emissions, the United States may find itself with little sway at the coming international conference to construct a new pact aimed at easing global warming."
Source: AP, 09/18/2009

"Obama Seeks National Oversight of Waters"

"The Obama administration called Thursday for a comprehensive national system for regulating the use of federal waters along the nation’s marine and Great Lakes shores, now administered by a hodgepodge of federal, state or other agencies with often-conflicting goals."
Source: NYTimes, 09/18/2009

Plight of the Bumblebee

In recent years, the media has paid a great deal of attention to the loss of European honeybees, the so-called Colony Collapse Disorder. Less well known, but equally troublesome, is the disappearance of bumblebees. As Adam Federman reports in the Autumn edition of Earth Island Journal, bumblebees pollinate about 15 percent of our food crops (valued at $3 billion) and occupy a critical role as native pollinators. Many species are in sharp decline or appear to have gone extinct.
Source: Earth Island Journal, 09/19/2009

Coal and Water – Do They Mix?

Journalists around the US who cover water quality, as well as those who cover coal mining and/or Appalachia, will benefit from an analytical NYT series and databases, combined with a Sept. 11 EPA announcement about extended NPDES permit reviews.

Parks In Parking Spaces

On September 18th, thousands of people around the world will spend the day sitting in parking spaces - without their cars - as part of an annual event called "Parking Day." The idea is to spark a conversation about how we're using our public spaces. The Environment Report's Nora Flaherty attended last year's Parking Day, and here's what she found.
Source: Environment Report, 09/17/2009

"Lawsuit Accuses FEMA of Ignoring Species Threats"

"The Federal Emergency Management Agency is being sued again over accusations that it violated the Endangered Species Act by issuing flood insurance without determining whether development would impact imperiled plants and animals."
Source: AP, 09/17/2009
