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The FACES of Coal Are Actually Clip Art

Another allegedly grass-roots PR campaign funded by the coal industry has been embarrassed by the revelation that photos of the "real" people who support coal were obtained from a commercial stock-photo outfit.
Source: Grist, 08/28/2009

"Recession Speeds Coal's Long-Term Decline"

"Declining industrial electricity demand and an abundance of cheap natural gas will threaten coal's status as the dominant U.S. fuel to generate electric power, even after the economic recession ends" say electric industry executives and analysts.
Source: Reuters, 08/28/2009

"Tomato Blight Spreading"

"If you've been waiting all season for that quintessential taste of summer -- a juicy, ripe tomato from the garden -- you might be disappointed. This year a tomato blight has swept across the Northeast and is moving into Midwestern gardens and farms."
Source: Environment Report, 08/27/2009

"Scientists Detect Greenhouse Gas Buildup Over Alaska"

"Billions of tons of carbon are buried in the frozen Arctic tundra, now heating up because of human-caused climate change. To measure which greenhouse gases are being released and in what quantities, government scientists are flying instrument-laden planes over the tundra from now through November."
Source: ENS, 08/27/2009
