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"Mt. Rainier's Retreating Glaciers Are Making a Mess"

"As receding glaciers expose crumbly slopes, vast amounts of gravel and sediment are being sluiced into the rivers that flow from the Northwest's tallest peak. ... Climate experts blame global warming, triggered by emissions from industries and cars, for much of the ongoing retreat of glaciers worldwide."

Source: Seattle Times, 01/21/2010

"Murkowski Takes Aim At EPA"

"Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) plans to announce Thursday she will move to reverse the Environmental Protection Agency's finding that greenhouse gas emissions endanger public health and welfare, according to sources familiar with the matter."

Source: Post Carbon, 01/21/2010

"Sierra Club Names New Executive Director"

"SAN FRANCISCO -- Environmental group Sierra Club has named its first new leader in 18 years -- an activist who once took over the intercom of a Home Depot to tell customers not to buy lumber from ancient forests."

Source: AP, 01/21/2010

Radon Action Month a Chance To Save Lives

Every year, an estimated 20,000 Americans die of lung cancer caused by exposure to radon — a naturally occurring radioactive gas that often finds its way into indoor air. So now's a good time to look at the ways radon impacts your audience and how people can protect themselves.
