Search results

"Nutrient Levels High in Bodies of Water At U. of Florida"

Lake Alice "is one of many water bodies on campus that would be considered impaired under new limits on nutrients proposed earlier this month by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous can cause algal blooms that can be deadly for fish and hazardous to humans."

Source: Gainesville Sun, 02/01/2010

"Power Plant Opponents Watch Permit Process Closely"

"Opponents of planned wood-burning power plants in southern Indiana are watching closely as state officials finish work on an air permit that would dictate what types of wood products the first of the plants can burn."

Source: AP, 02/01/2010

"Old Story of Pollution; New Urgency This Time"

"The old DuPont munitions plant that left behind a trail of lead and mercury, contaminated soil and water and a plume of toxic vapor still capable of leaking into at least 450 houses. The story has no end in sight."

Source: NYTimes, 02/01/2010

"Obama To Propose Tripling Of Nuclear Loan Guarantees"

"The Obama administration is planning to propose tripling a program that provides loan guarantees to construct nuclear reactors, an administration official said Friday, aiming to reach out to Republican lawmakers in an effort to break a logjam over energy policy."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 02/01/2010
