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"Hurricane Alex Churns Toward Mexican Coast"

"Hurricane Alex churned through the western Gulf of Mexico overnight, slowly picking up steam as officials in northeastern Mexico and southern Texas made preparations."

Source: CNN, 06/30/2010

"Shades of Hope for Uranium's Forgotten Victims"

"The days of unregulated production and government secrecy are gone. But as the uranium industry revives in the West, health problems from the last boom still plague communities, and victims are still fighting for recognition."

Source: Daily Climate, 06/29/2010

"Potentially Harmful Chemicals Used in Pa. Drilling"

"Compounds associated with neurological problems, cancer and other serious health effects are among the chemicals being used to drill natural gas wells in Pennsylvania, although state and industry officials said Monday the practice is not polluting drinking water."

Source: AP, 06/29/2010
